4 Getting to Know and Accessing the Platform

4.1 Creating a User Account

For using the Greenbone Cloud Service, a user account must be created.

  • If self-service is not enabled (= managed-service), the vMSP must create the user accounts.

  • If self-service is enabled, users are able to create their own account as described in the following. Nevertheless, the vMSP can also create the user accounts.

  • The created user account is a main user account.

  • The main user can invite other users to their team (see Chapter 5.4).


By default, all newly created accounts are free trial accounts that can be converted to paid accounts later (see Chapter 5.5).

A new user account can be created as follows:

  1. Open the web browser.

  2. Enter the URL of the Greenbone Cloud Service.

  3. Click Register.

  4. Enter the e-mail address for the account in the input box E-mail address.

  5. Enter the password for the account in the input box New password and repeat it in the input box Repeat new password.

  6. Activate the checkboxes regarding the agreement with the terms of use and the privacy policy.

  7. Click Test for free.


    For selecting a subscription see Chapter 5.5.

4.2 Logging into the Platform

The Greenbone Cloud Service can be accessed as follows:

  1. Open the web browser.

  2. Enter the URL of the Greenbone Cloud Service.


    The language of the platform can be selected in the upper right or upper left corner.

  3. Log in using the e-mail address and password of the Greenbone Cloud Service account (see Chapter 4.1).

    → The page Scan Management is displayed.


    Fig. 4.1 Logging in to the platform


If the password is forgotten, a link for resetting it can be requested by clicking Forgotten your password?.

4.3 Structure of the Platform

4.3.1 List Pages

List pages show an overview of all existing objects of one kind (see Fig. 4.2). They are available for scans, scan tasks, targets, login credentials, schedules and gateways.

A list page can be opened by selecting the desired page in the menu panel, for example selecting Targets in the category Scan Configuration in the menu panel opens the list page Targets.

The list of objects (see Fig. 4.2/5) provides information such as name, status, type or possible actions for single objects (see Fig. 4.2/2). The information shown in the table depends on the object type.

1 – Searching for the name of a specific object.

2 – Actions for single objects, depending on page content.

3 – Switching between pages.

4 – Selecting the number of objects displayed on one page.

5 – List of all existing objects of the selected object type.

6 – Creating a new object of the selected object type.


Fig. 4.2 Structure of list pages

The list content can be sorted by a chosen column by clicking on the column title. The content can be sorted ascending or descending:

  • in the column title shows that the objects are sorted ascending.

  • in the column title shows that the objects are sorted descending.

4.3.2 Detail Overlays

For some objects an overlay containing detailed information can be opened, for example by clicking on the schedule name in the list of scan task (see Fig. 4.3), information about the used schedule is shown.


If an overlay is available, the object’s name is underlined.


Fig. 4.3 Opening the overlay

4.4 Getting Support

The menu item Help offers the following support issues and information:


Explanation of the basic terms of the Greenbone Cloud Service.

User Manual

Comprehensive user manual including step-by-step instructions for all activities related to the platform.

Legal Information

General terms of use and privacy policy of the Greenbone Cloud Service.