Version 24.10
- Summary of Data Types
- Summary of Elements
- Summary of Commands
- Data Type Details
- Element Details
- Command Details
- Summary of Scanner Parameters Types
- Compatibility Changes in Version 24.10
1 Summary of Data Types
boolean | 0 or 1. |
epoch_time | A date, in Unix format. |
integer | An integer. |
status | Status code describing the result of a command. |
string | A string. |
uuid | A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). |
vt_id | Identifier for a vulnerability test. |
2 Summary of Elements
credential | A credential consisting of type, service, port, username and password.. |
scanner_params | Contains elements that represent scanner specific parameters. |
targets | List of targets. |
target | A scan target consisting of hosts, a port selection and credentials. |
vt_group | Collection of Vulnerability Test. |
vt_selection | Contains elements that represent a Vulnerability Test or a collection of Vulnerability Tests to be executed and their parameters. |
vt_single | Elements that represent Vulnerability Tests. |
vt_value | Vulnerability Test parameter. |
3 Summary of Commands
help | Get the help text. |
get_performance | Return performance information from an external program. |
get_scans | Get a stored scan in buffer. |
delete_scan | Delete a finished scan. |
get_version | Return various versions. |
check_feed | Perform sync feed self test and check lockfile status. |
get_scanner_details | Return scanner description and parameters. |
get_vts | Return information about vulnerability tests, if offered by scanner. |
start_scan | Start a new scan. |
stop_scan | Stop a currently running scan. |
get_memory_usage | Return memory usage information of the osp daemon. |
4 Data Types Details
4.1 Data Type boolean
In short: 0 or 1.
4.1.1 RNC
boolean = xsd:token { pattern = "[01]" }
4.2 Data Type epoch_time
In short: A date, in Unix format.
4.2.1 RNC
epoch_time = integer
4.3 Data Type integer
In short: An integer.
4.3.1 RNC
integer = integer
4.4 Data Type status
In short: Status code describing the result of a command.
4.4.1 RNC
status = xsd:token { pattern = "[1-5][0-9][0-9]" }
4.5 Data Type string
In short: A string.
4.5.1 RNC
string = text
4.6 Data Type uuid
In short: A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
4.6.1 RNC
uuid = xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9abcdefABCDEF\-]{1,40}" }
4.7 Data Type vt_id
In short: Identifier for a vulnerability test.
4.7.1 RNC
vt_id = xsd:token { pattern = "[0-9a-zA-Z_\-.:]{1,80}" }
5 Element Details
5.1 Element credential
In short: A credential consisting of type, service, port, username and password..
5.1.1 Structure
5.1.2 RNC
credential = element credential { attribute type { string } & attribute service { string } & attribute port { string }? & credential_username & credential_password & credential_private & credential_priv_username & credential_priv_password & credential_community & credential_auth_algorithm & credential_privacy_password & credential_privacy_algorithm } credential_username = element username { text } credential_password = element password { text } credential_private = element private { file } credential_priv_username = element priv_username { text } credential_priv_password = element priv_password { text } credential_community = element community { text } credential_auth_algorithm = element auth_algorithm { text } credential_privacy_password = element privacy_password { text } credential_privacy_algorithm = element privacy_algorithm { text }
5.1.3 Example: SSH Credential with username + password authentication and port
<credential type="up" service="ssh" port="22"> <username>scanuser</username> <password>mypass</password> </credential>
5.1.3 Example: SSH Credential with username + SSH Key authentication and port
<credential type="usk" service="ssh" port="22"> <username>scanuser</username> <password>keypass</password> <private>/path/to/ssh/keyfile</private> </credential>
5.1.3 Example: SSH Credential with elevated privileges
<credential type="up" service="ssh" port="22"> <username>scanuser</username> <password>mypass</password> <priv_username>root</priv_username> <priv_password>rootpw</priv_password> </credential>
5.1.3 Example: ESXi Credential with username + password authentication
<credential type="up" service="smb"> <username>smbuser</username> <password>mypass</password> </credential>
5.1.3 Example: SNMP Credentials
<credential type="snmp" service="snmp"> <username>smbuser</username> <password>mypass</password> <community>public</community> <auth_algorithm>md5</auth_algorithm> <privacy_password>privpass</privacy_password> <privacy_algorithm>aes</privacy_algorithm> </credential>
5.2 Element scanner_params
In short: Contains elements that represent scanner specific parameters.
5.2.1 Structure
(string)Element that represents a scanner specific parameters.
5.2.2 RNC
scanner_params = element scanner_params { scanner_params_e } scanner_params_e = element e # type string { }
5.2.3 Example: scanner_params
<scanner_params> <target_port>443</target_port> <use_https>1</use_https> <profile>fast_scan</profile> </scanner_params>
5.3 Element targets
In short: List of targets.
5.3.1 Structure
A scan target consisting of hosts, a port selection and credentials.
5.3.2 RNC
targets = element targets { target }
5.3.3 Example: Two targets
<targets> <target>...</target> <target>...</target> </targets>
5.4 Element target
In short: A scan target consisting of hosts, a port selection and credentials.
5.4.1 Structure
(string)One or many hosts. The list is comma-separated. Each entry can be a IP address, a CIDR notation, a hostname, a IP range. IPs can be v4 or v6.
(string)A list of ports that is the same for the given hosts.
One or many credentials containing the credential for the given hosts.
A credential consisting of type, service, port, username and password..
(string)One or many hosts to exclude. The list is comma-separated. Each entry can be a IP address, a CIDR notation, a hostname, a IP range. IPs can be v4 or v6. Each wrapper must handle the exclude hosts.
(string)One or many finished hosts to exclude when the client resumes a task. The list is comma-separated. Each entry can be an IP address, a CIDR notation, a hostname, a IP range. IPs can be v4 or v6. The listed hosts will be set as finished before starting the scan. Each wrapper must handle the finished hosts.
(string)Dedicated port list for alive detection. Used for TCP-SYN and TCP-ACK ping when Boreas (scanner preference test_alive_hosts_only) is enabled. If no port list is provided ports 80, 137, 587, 3128, 8081 are used as defaults.
One of
(integer)Alive test type to be performed against the target.
Alive test methods to be performed against the target.
(boolean)ICMP ping.
(boolean)TCP-SYN ping.
(boolean)TCP-ACK ping.
(boolean)ARP ping.
(boolean)Consider the target to be alive.
(string)If multiple IP addresses resolve to the same DNS name the DNS name will only get scanned once.
(string)Only scan IP addresses that can be resolved into a DNS name.
5.4.2 RNC
target = element target { target_hosts & target_ports & target_credentials & target_exclude_hosts & target_finished_hosts & target_alive_test_ports & ( target_alive_test | target_alive_test_methods ) & target_reverse_lookup_unify & target_reverse_lookup_only } target_hosts = element hosts # type string { } target_ports = element ports # type string { } target_credentials = element credentials { credential } target_exclude_hosts = element exclude_hosts # type string { } target_finished_hosts = element finished_hosts # type string { } target_alive_test = element alive_test # type integer { } target_alive_test_methods = element alive_test_methods { target_alive_test_methods_icmp target_alive_test_methods_tcp_syn target_alive_test_methods_tcp_ack target_alive_test_methods_arp target_alive_test_methods_consider_alive } target_alive_test_methods_icmp = element icmp # type boolean { } target_alive_test_methods_tcp_syn = element tcp_syn # type boolean { } target_alive_test_methods_tcp_ack = element tcp_ack # type boolean { } target_alive_test_methods_arp = element arp # type boolean { } target_alive_test_methods_consider_alive = element consider_alive # type boolean { } target_alive_test_ports = element alive_test_ports # type string { } target_reverse_lookup_only = element reverse_lookup_only # type string { } target_reverse_lookup_unify = element reverse_lookup_unify # type string { }
5.4.3 Example: Target without credentials
<target> <hosts></hosts> <ports>T:22,U:5060</ports> <alive_test>0</alive_test> <alive_test_ports>22,80,123</alive_test_ports> <reverse_lookup_only>0</reverse_lookup_only> <reverse_lookup_unify>0</reverse_lookup_unify> </target>
5.4.3 Example: Target with two credentials
<target> <hosts></hosts> <ports>1,2,3,80,443</ports> <credentials> <credential>...</credential> <credential>...</credential> </credentials> <exclude_hosts></exclude_hosts> <finished_hosts></finished_hosts> </target>
5.5 Element vt_group
In short: Collection of Vulnerability Test.
5.5.1 Structure
- @filter (string)
5.5.2 RNC
vt_group = element vt_group { attribute filter { string } }
5.5.3 Example: VT group filtered by family name
<vt_group filter="family=general"/>
<vt_group filter="family=debian"/>
5.6 Element vt_selection
In short: Contains elements that represent a Vulnerability Test or a collection of Vulnerability Tests to be executed and their parameters.
5.6.1 Structure
5.6.2 RNC
vt_selection = element vt_selection { vt_single & vt_group }
5.6.3 Example: VT with parameters and VT group
<vt_selection> <vt_single id=""> <vt_value id="XYZ JKL">200</vt_value> <vt_value id="ABC">yes</vt_value> </vt_single> <vt_single id=""/> <vt_single id=""/> <vt_group filter="family=general"/> <vt_group filter="family=debian"/> </vt_selection>
5.7 Element vt_single
In short: Elements that represent Vulnerability Tests.
5.7.1 Structure
5.7.2 RNC
vt_single = element vt_single { attribute id { vt_id } & vt_value }
5.7.3 Example: VT with parameters
<vt_single id=""> <vt_value id="XYZ JKL">200</vt_value> <vt_value id="ABC">yes</vt_value> </vt_single>
<vt_single id=""/>
5.8 Element vt_value
In short: Vulnerability Test parameter.
5.8.1 Structure
- @id (string)
5.8.2 RNC
vt_value = element vt_value { string & attribute id { string } }
5.8.3 Example: Parameters for a single VT
<vt_value id="XYZ JKL">200</vt_value>
<vt_value id="ABC">yes</vt_value>
6 Command Details
6.1 Command help
In short: Get the help text.
6.1.1 Structure
- @format ("xml" or "text") Help format.
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
6.1.2 RNC
help = element help { attribute format { xsd:token { pattern = "xml|text" } }? }
6.1.3 Example: Get the help text
<help format="xml"/>
<help_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <delete_scan> <attributes> <scan_id>ID of scan to delete</scan_id> </attributes> <elements/> <description>Delete a finished scan</description> </delete_scan> <help> <attributes> <format>Help format. Could be text or xml</format> </attributes> <elements/> <description>Print the commands help</description> </help> <get_version> <attributes/> <elements/> <description>Return various versions</description> </get_version> <check_feed> <attributes/> <elements/> <description>Perform sync feed self test and check lockfile status</description> </check_feed> <stop_scan> <attributes> <scan_id>ID of scan stop.</scan_id> </attributes> <elements/> <description>Stop a currently running scan.</description> </stop_scan> <get_scanner_details> <attributes/> <elements/> <description>Return scanner description and parameters</description> </get_scanner_details> <start_scan> <attributes> <scan_id>Optional UUID value to set as scan ID</scan_id> <target>Target hosts to scan in a comma-separated list</target> <ports>Ports list to scan as comma-separated list</ports> <parallel>Optional number of parallel scans to run</parallel> </attributes> <elements> <scanner_params> <profile>Scan profile</profile> <target_port>Target port</target_port> <use_https>Use HTTPS</use_https> <w3af_timeout>w3af scan timeout</w3af_timeout> </scanner_params> </elements> <description>Start a new scan</description> </start_scan> <stop_scan> <attributes> <scan_id>ID of scan to stop</scan_id> </attributes> <description>Stop a currently running scan</description> </stop_scan> <get_scans> <attributes> <scan_id>Mandatory ID of a specific scan to get</scan_id> <details>Whether to return the full scan report</details> <progress>Whether to return a detailed progress information</progress> <pop_results>Whether to remove the fetched results</pop_results> <max_results> Maximum number of results to fetch. Only considered if pop_results is enabled. Default = None, which means that all available results are returned </max_results> </attributes> <elements/> <description>List the scans in buffer</description> </get_scans> <get_performance> <description>Return system report</description> <elements/> <attributes> <title>Name of report.</title> <start>Time of first data point in report.</start> <end>Time of last data point in report.</end> </attributes> </get_performance> </help_response>
6.2 Command get_performance
In short: Return performance information from an external program.
6.2.1 Structure
- Command
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
6.2.2 RNC
get_performance = element get_performance { attribute start { int }? & attribute end { int }? & attribute titles { text }? }
6.2.3 Example:
<get_performance start="0" titles="mem"/>
<help_response status="200" status_text="OK">Some output.</help_response>
6.3 Command get_scans
In short: Get a stored scan in buffer.
6.3.1 Structure
- @scan_id (uuid) Scan UUID.
- @details (boolean) Whether to get full scan reports.
- @progress (boolean) Whether to return a detailed progress information.
- @pop_results (boolean) Whether to remove the fetched results.
- @max_results (int) Maximum number of results to fetch. Only considered if pop_results is enabled. Default = None, which means that all available results are returned.
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
- @id (uuid)
- @target (string)
- @start_time (epoch_time)
- @end_time (epoch_time)
- @progress (integer)
- @status (string)
6.3.2 RNC
get_scans = element get_scans { attribute scan_id { uuid }? & attribute details { boolean }? & attribute progress { boolean }? & attribute pop_results { boolean }? & attribute max_results { int }? }
6.3.3 Example: Get a scan report summary
<get_scans scan_id="f14747d3-a4d7-4e79-99bb-a0a1276cb78c" details="1" pop_results="0"/>
<get_scans_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <scan id="9750f1f8-07aa-49cc-9c31-2f9e469c8f65" target="" end_time="1432824234" progress="100" status="finished" start_time="1432824206"> <results> ... <result host="" hostname="" severity="2.5" port="443/tcp" test_id="" name="Path disclosure vulnerability" type="Alarm"> The URL: "" has a path disclosure vulnerability which discloses "/var/www/phpinfo.php" ... </result> </results> </scan> </get_scans_response>
6.3.3 Example: Get a scan report summary
<get_scans scan_id="f14747d3-a4d7-4e79-99bb-a0a1276cb78c" details="1" pop_results="1" max_results="1"/>
<get_scans_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <scan id="9750f1f8-07aa-49cc-9c31-2f9e469c8f65" target="" end_time="1432824234" progress="100" status="finished" start_time="1432824206"> <results> <result host="" hostname="" severity="2.5" port="443/tcp" test_id="" name="Path disclosure vulnerability" type="Alarm"> The URL: "" has a path disclosure vulnerability which discloses "/var/www/phpinfo.php" ... </result> </results> </scan> </get_scans_response>
6.3.3 Example: Get a scan progress summary
<get_scans scan_id="f14747d3-a4d7-4e79-99bb-a0a1276cb78c" details="0" progress="1"/>
<get_scans_response status="200" status_text="OK"> <scan end_time="0" id="f14747d3-a4d7-4e79-99bb-a0a1276cb78c" progress="17" start_time="1592316467" status="running" target=","> <progress> <host name="">2</host> <host name="">32</host> <overall>17</overall> <count_alive>0</count_alive> <count_dead>0</count_dead> <count_excluded>0</count_excluded> <count_total>2</count_total> </progress> </scan> </get_scans_response>
6.4 Command delete_scan
In short: Delete a finished scan.
6.4.1 Structure
6.4.2 RNC
delete_scan = element delete_scan { attribute scan_id { uuid }? }
6.4.3 Example: Delete a scan successfully
<delete_scan scan_id="013587e3-b4d7-8e79-9ebb-90a2133c338c"/>
<delete_scan_response status_text="OK" status="200"/>
6.5 Command get_version
In short: Return various versions.
6.5.1 Structure
- Empty single element.
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
6.5.2 RNC
get_version = element get_version { "" }
6.5.3 Example: Get protocol, scanner and daemon versions
<get_version_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <protocol> <version>1.0</version> <name>OSP</name> </protocol> <daemon> <version>generic version</version> <name>generic ospd</name> </daemon> <scanner> <version></version> <name>w3af</name> </scanner> <vts> <version>202112070837</version> <vendor>Greenbone AG</vendor> <home></home> <name>Greenbone Security Feed</name> </vts> </get_version_response>
6.6 Command check_feed
In short: Perform sync feed self test and check lockfile status.
6.6.1 Structure
- Empty single element.
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
6.6.2 RNC
check_feed = element check_feed { "" }
6.6.3 Example: Perform sync feed self test and check lockfile status
<check_feed_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <feed> <lockfile_in_use>0</lockfile_in_use> <self_test_exit_error>0</self_test_exit_error> <self_test_error_msg/> </feed> </check_feed_response>
6.7 Command get_scanner_details
In short: Return scanner description and parameters.
6.7.1 Structure
- @list_all (boolean) List all available scanner parameters. Not only those visible to the client..
- Response
6.7.2 RNC
get_scanner_details = element get_scanner_details { attribute list_all { boolean }? }
6.7.3 Example: Get scanner details
<get_scanner_details_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <description>...</description> <scanner_params> <scanner_param id="profile" type="selection"> <name>Scan profile</name> <description> Scan profiles are predefined set of plugins and customized configurations. </description> <default> fast_scan|fast_scan|audit_high_risk|full_audit|OWASP_TOP10|bruteforce|empty_profile|web_infrastructure|full_audit_spider_man|sitemap </default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="http_request_status" type="boolean"> <name>Show HTTP request status</name> <description>Whether to show the HTTP request's status in results</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="dry_run" type="boolean"> <name>Dry Run</name> <description>Whether to dry run scan.</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="http_request_headers" type="boolean"> <name>Show HTTP request headers</name> <description>Whether to show the HTTP request's headers in results</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="http_response_status" type="boolean"> <name>Show HTTP response status</name> <description>Whether to show the HTTP response's status in results</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="seed_path" type="string"> <name>Seed path</name> <description>Path to start with</description> <default>/</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="debug_mode" type="boolean"> <name>Debug Mode</name> <description>Whether to get extra scan debug information.</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="target_port" type="integer"> <name>Target port</name> <description>Port on target host to scan</description> <default>80</default> </scanner_param> <scanner_param id="use_https" type="boolean"> <name>Use HTTPS</name> <description>Whether the target application is running over HTTPS</description> <default>0</default> </scanner_param> </scanner_params> </get_scanner_details_response>
6.8 Command get_vts
In short: Return information about vulnerability tests, if offered by scanner.
6.8.1 Structure
- Command
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
- @vts_version (text)
- @feed_vendor (text)
- @feed_home (text)
- @feed_name (text)
- @total (integer)
- @sha256_hash (text)
- @id (vt_id)
- <params>
- <refs>
- @vt_id (vt_id)
- <solution>
- @type (string)
(string)Optional reference to the origin of the severity.
(string)Optional timestamp in seconds since epoch. Defaults to VT creation date.
(string)The actual value, the format must correspond with the type.
6.8.2 RNC
get_vts = element get_vts { attribute vt_id { vt_id }? & attribute filter { string }? & attribute details { string }? & attribute version_only { boolean }? }
6.8.3 Example: Get only feed information
<get_vts version_only="1"/>
<get_vts_response status="200" status_text="OK"> <vts vts_version="202112140941" feed_vendor="Greenbone AG" feed_home="" feed_name="Greenbone Security Feed" total="" sha256_hash="1762240dbd4ad0baf41ad9dcec58863922d63da35ceaa44488a55c3c23c4fcdb"/> </get_vts_response>
6.8.3 Example: Get information for all available vulnerability tests
<get_vts_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <vts total="10"> <vt id=""> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability X</name> </vt> <vt id="ad45h67"> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability Y</name> </vt> </vts> </get_vts_response>
6.8.3 Example: Get information for a single vulnerability test
<get_vts vt_id=""/>
<get_vts_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <vts total="10"> <vt id=""> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability X</name> <refs> <ref id="2014-16494" type="fedora"/> <ref id="" type="url"/> <ref id="CVE-2014-9116" type="cve"/> </refs> <dependencies> <dependency vt_id=""/> </dependencies> <creation_time>1200603949</creation_time> <modification_time>1567429142</modification_time> <summary>Check the version of App</summary> <affected>App in OS v2</affected> <insight>App is a small but very powerful app.</insight> <solution type="VendorFix">Please Install the Updated Packages.</solution> <detection qod_type="package"> Get the installed version with the help of detect NVT and check if the version is vulnerable or not. </detection> <severities> <severity type="cvss_base_v2"> <origin>CVE-2014-9116</origin> <date>1200603949</date> <value>AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P</value> </severity> </severities> </vt> </vts> </get_vts_response>
6.8.3 Example: Get information for a filtered collection of vulnerability test without details
<get_vts filter="modification_time>201903150834;modification_time<201903150835" details="0"/>
<get_vts_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <vts total="10" sent="1"> <vt id=""> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability X</name> <refs> <ref id="2014-16494" type="fedora"/> <ref id="" type="url"/> <ref id="CVE-2014-9116" type="cve"/> </refs> <creation_time>1200603949</creation_time> <modification_time>1567429142</modification_time> <summary>Check the version of App</summary> <affected>App in OS v2</affected> <insight>App is a small but very powerful app.</insight> <solution type="VendorFix">Please Install the Updated Packages.</solution> <detection qod_type="package"> Get the installed version with the help of detect NVT and check if the version is vulnerable or not. </detection> <severities> <severity type="cvss_base_v2"> <origin>CVE-2014-9116</origin> <date>1200603949</date> <value>AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P</value> </severity> </severities> </vt> </vts> </get_vts_response>
6.8.3 Example: Get information for a vulnerability test with custom data
<get_vts vt_id=""/>
<get_vts_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <vts total="10"> <vt id=""> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability X</name> <custom> <my_element>First custom element</my_element> <my_other_element>second custom element</my_other_element> </custom> </vt> </vts> </get_vts_response>
6.8.3 Example: Get information for a vulnerability test with VT parameters data
<get_vts vt_id=""/>
<get_vts_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <vts total="10"> <vt id=""> <name>Check for presence of vulnerability X</name> <params> <param id="timeout" type="integer"> <name>Timeout</name> <description>Vulnerability Test Timeout</description> <default>300</default> </param> <param id="scan.udp" type="boolean"> <name>Scan UDP</name> <description/> <default>1</default> </param> </params> <refs> <ref type="cve" id="CVE-2010-4480"/> <ref type="url" id=""/> <ref type="url" id=""/> </refs> <custom> <my_element>First custom element</my_element> <my_other_element>second custom element</my_other_element> </custom> </vt> </vts> </get_vts_response>
6.9 Command start_scan
In short: Start a new scan.
6.9.1 Structure
- @target (string) Target hosts to scan in a comma-separated list.
- @ports (string) Ports list to scan as comma-separated list.
- @scan_id (uuid) Optional UUID value to use as scan ID.
- @parallel (integer) Optional number of parallel scan to run.
Contains elements that represent scanner specific parameters.
Contains elements that represent a Vulnerability Test or a collection of Vulnerability Tests to be executed and their parameters.
Contains elements that represent a target to execute a scan against. If target and port attributes are present this element is not take into account.
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
New scan's UUID.
6.9.2 RNC
start_scan = element start_scan { attribute target { string }? & attribute ports { string }? & attribute scan_id { uuid }? & attribute parallel { integer }? & start_scan_scanner_params & start_scan_vt_selection & start_scan_targets } start_scan_scanner_params = element scanner_params { } start_scan_vt_selection = element vt_selection { } start_scan_targets = element targets { }
6.9.3 Example: Start a new scan. Legacy mode
<start_scan target="localhost" ports="80, 443"> <scanner_params> <target_port>443</target_port> <use_https>1</use_https> <profile>fast_scan</profile> </scanner_params> </start_scan>
<start_scan_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <id>2f616d53-595f-4785-9b97-4395116ca118</id> </start_scan_response>
6.9.3 Example: Start a new scan with multi-targets running simultaneously. Each one has a different port list and one of them has credentials for authenticated scans.
<start_scan parallel="10"> <scanner_params>...</scanner_params> <vt_selection>....</vt_selection> <targets> <target>...</target> <target> <hosts></hosts> <ports>1,2,3,80,443</ports> <credentials>...</credentials> <exclude_hosts></exclude_hosts> <finished_hosts></finished_hosts> </target> </targets> </start_scan>
<start_scan_response status_text="OK" status="200"> <id>2f616d53-595f-4785-9b97-4395116ca118</id> </start_scan_response>
6.10 Command stop_scan
In short: Stop a currently running scan.
6.10.1 Structure
6.10.2 RNC
stop_scan = element stop_scan { attribute scan_id { uuid }? }
6.10.3 Example: Stop a scan
<stop_scan scan_id="6ec1732c-10e8-448c-90fb-7797ad47ada2"/>
<stop_scan_response status_text="OK" status="200"/>
6.11 Command get_memory_usage
In short: Return memory usage information of the osp daemon.
6.11.1 Structure
- @unit (text) Size unit for the memory. b for bytes, kb for kilobytes and mb for megabytes..
- @status (status)
- @status_text (text)
6.11.2 RNC
get_memory_usage = element get_memory_usage { attribute unit { text }? }
6.11.3 Example:
<get_memory_usage unit="kb"/>
<get_memory_usage status="200" status_text="OK"> <processes> <process name="MainProcess" pid="12345"> <rss>127182</rss> <vss>239616</vss> <shared>135168</shared> </process> <process name="Process-1" pid="23456">...</process> </processes> </get_memory_usage>
7 Summary of Scanner Parameters Types
integer | An integer value. |
string | A string. |
boolean | 0 or 1. |
selection | A value out of the | separated values list. |
credential_up | The username:password of a credential. |
file | A file's content. |
ovaldef_file | An ovaldef file's content that is base64 encoded. |
8 Compatibility Changes in Version 24.10
No changes were introduced with version 24.10.